1 日の中で多くの時間を仕事を行う場所で過ごしますので、心身の健康を促進する空間が既存およびこれからの従業員への重要な考慮事項になりつつあります。


職場での心身の健全性 – 典拠

1. Source: Macfarlane, G.J., Thomas, E., Croft, P.R., Papageorgiou, A.C., Jayson, M.I., Silman, A.J., 1999. ‘Predictors of early improvement in low back pain amongst consulters to general practice: the influence of pre-morbid and episode-related factors’. Pain, Pain 80, 113-9. 2. Source: Health and Safety Executive; Working Days Lost.  3. Source: iPad generation sees a huge rise in back and neck pain. The Telegraph, April 2015. 4. Source: ‘Tear Your Eyes Away From the Computer’. New York Times: 05/31/2016. 5. Source: iPad generation sees a huge rise in back and neck pain. The Telegraph, April 2015. 6. Source: Schneider 1998. 7. Source: ‘iPad generation sees a huge rise in back and neck pain’. The Telegraph, April 2015 . 8. Source: Buckle 1999. 9. Source: ‘Millennial Careers: 20/20 Vision.’ Manpower Group – www.manpowergroup.com/wps/wcm/connect/660ebf65-144c-489e-975c-9f838294c237


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