Ready for anywhere

Agile working, flexible working, on-the-go working, whatever you call it, we know that it has the power to change lives. It’s not the traditional office, nor is it home-based, which is why some call it the nowhere office. We like to think of it as the everywhere office because it’s now possible to work quite literally anywhere, from a café on the corner to a beach front on the other side of the world.

Although by no means new, the number of people enjoying the freedom, spontaneity and the independence of agile working is on the rise. As is the number of companies embracing it because they are finding that this enlightened, flexible approach is repaid in improved employee performance, well-being and loyalty.

Agile working, though, is a double-edged sword because without the right equipment it can be an ergonomic disaster. Why? Mainly because the laptop, convenient as it is, was never designed for long term use. The laptop’s great advantage, with its screen, keyboard and mouse all in one unit, is its portability. However, having all three main components in one breaks one of the guiding principles of ergonomics – being able to separately position the screen, the keyboard and the mouse to promote good posture while working.

That’s where Oripura comes in, our portable laptop stand and the ultimate tool in an agile worker’s kit. Lightweight, foldable and effortlessly adjustable, it can be used anywhere with a flat surface and, when used with a separate keyboard and mouse, enables the perfect ergonomic setup wherever you find yourself.

Crucially, Oripura helps keeps your head and neck in a neutral, balanced position, which decreases the load on the upper parts of the spine and ultimately reduces the risk of injury and headaches. A healthy posture also improves breathing, increasing oxygen levels and boosting concentration.

Of course, agile working doesn’t just mean working on the hoof, it can also refer to flexible working within an office as well. The good news is that whether you’re watching people go by in a café or a presentation in a meeting room, Oripura will ensure that you can use your laptop comfortably and healthily. In the office, its fold out design means it can be carried and used everywhere, allowing and even encouraging employees to move around the building and be more active. What’s more, an easy flow of people encourages an easy flow of ideas, allowing spontaneous innovation to happen anywhere. You’ll find that with Oripura, any space can be a collaborative space.