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Today, screens and monitors come in an ever-increasing range of shapes and sizes…

Curved screens,
Square Screens,
Flat screens,
Wide screens,
Ultra-wide screens,
Portrait Screens,
Landscape Screens,
Portrait and landscape,
Dual Screens,
Triple Screens,
Large Screens….

People work better with the right size, format and number of screens, but the sheer variety throws up a huge, ergonomic challenge.

Flo X Covid 19
This challenge is exactly what we set out to solve.

We already had the engineering designs behind the original Flo arm to work with, so we had a great starting point.
And we were all set to get going when…

The pandemic hit.

It wasn’t easy, but we just had to carry on as best we could. We adapted and we got creative with how our team worked.

We definitely kept our couriers busy, sending prototypes from one team member to the next, exchanging ideas and then boxing it up and sending it on.

We basically had three big challenges to solve.

1. How could we build a single arm to hold the widest range of weights ever attempted, whilst still making it easy to move and adjust?

We knew from our work on Ollin that we could expand our weight range by using two monitor arms together. But could we merge this into one product?

This is when we had our breakthrough moment, using Flo’s arm mechanism, which contained one single spring. With Flo X instead of one spring we’ve got two.

We’d then be able to turn one spring off for lighter monitors and use both springs for heavier setups.
2. Could we create a head holder to accommodate all screen sizes, types and weights, whilst still being effortless to adjust?

We started with our existing D-ring mechanism and took it to the next level so it could accommodate even bigger monitors and curved screens. All while keeping the existing benefits of fingertip adjustability and easy balance-to-tilt, whether you’ve got one, two or three
screens in your set-up.

> 3. How could we make sure that any type of monitor set-up can be simply and perfectly aligned?

For Dual and triple monitor setups, we solved this by creating a bar on which up to three monitors can sit, with a single knob to effortlessly adjust the mounting bar and therefore all screens at once, keeping them all seamlessly aligned.

One of our primary concerns was to ensure anyone and everyone could easily adjust and place the arm to their perfect ergonomic position, for their specific size setup.

It’s something we worked very hard to achieve and it massively paid off.

The result is a product that sets a new benchmark in design.

A product that can hold larger and heavier screens as well as single, dual and triple configurations of up to 18kg the total weight.

Amongst the initial challenges that we set out to achieve and all of the hurdles we met during the pandemic, Flo X is a huge triumph in product innovation that we’re extremely proud of.